Button Frenzy

Button Frenzy

Published on 2016.
Filed under Solo independent work .

Button Frenzy is a minimalist arcade game developed as a solo project. The game initially started out as a free jam game of the same name, created for the Idle Thumbs Winter Wizard Jam. The full version was released half a year later with an extra game mode added as well as some additional features.

Button Frenzy was my first commercial release, and the process of making and distributing it gave me a whole lot of valuable first experiences when it comes to developing and shipping a game. I’ve learned a lot about working with distribution services such as Steam and Humble; in particular building a storefront presence and communicating with players on community forums. I’ve had experience with managing press requests and communicating with press outlets; as well as exhibiting at events (The game was present at Insomnia i57 + i58 expos in the UK, as well as Gadget Show Live 2016). In all, it was an overwhelmingly rewarding and positive experience to have produced.